How can our everyday communicative life be simplified? Easy! By means of acronyms:)

Living in the modern digital world we constatly use social network almost every day.🙇 Want it or not throughout the time for simplicity, quickness and convenience we start employing acronyms. And now let’s imagine that you are chatting in English...Are you sure that you will get all what the native speaker writes you? And are you sure that you know how exactly put in place the textese ?

So in an attempt not to get into hot water😃 Let’s scan the following expressions (it's definitly not the all one which exist at this very moment, but at least you will be familiar with the most common one:). And next time you will fill the list up with the new ones and share the world! Or will invent something else by yourself!! You never know!! And for now let's keep in mind what's presented below:

All the best ATB

Are R

Are you OK? RUOK

Before B4

Be Right Back BRB

Be Back Later BBL

Be Back Soon BBS

By the way BTW

Forever 4EVER

Just Kidding J/K

Great GR8

Have a great day HAGD

Have a Good Night HAGN

Hugs And Kisses XOXO

I Don't Know IDK

I Love You ILY

In My Humble Opinion IMHO

Kiss X

Keep In Touch KIT

Late L8

None Of Your Business NYOB

Oh I see OIC

Please PLS

Please call me PCM

Private Message PM

See you CU

Thanks THX

Thank you THNQ

Today 2DAY

Tomorrow 2MORO

Tonight 2NITE

Too Much Information TMI

Very v

Extremely vvv

What do you WADU
Want to WAN2

And what acronyms have you employed by now already?
