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5 valoraciones
$ 70/h
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$ 70/h
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Localidad On-line
Clases de Español
5 valoraciones
verified Datos verificados time más de 5 años dando clase
Los alumnos de Digmer opinan: Los alumnos de Digmer opinan:
Señor Digmer Santos has started his classes with my Russian-speaking child of 5 years old who has not have had any experience with the Spanish language at all. After only 3 months my child was able...
Señor Digmer Santos has started his classes with my Russian-speaking child of 5 years old who has not have had any expe...
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Primera clase gratis
$ 70/h
$2 Suplemento a domicilio
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Spanish Class for foreign people: kids, youngers and adult people

Descripción del anuncio
Spanish Class for foreign people: kids, youngers and adult cher with a lot of experience and Home, Office or in any other place. From 5:30 AM. From mondays to sundays-I have taught managers from different companies like Samsung, Sony, Toyota and international minig companies.
5 valoraciones de alumnos y ex-alumnos de Digmer
Aleksei y otras 4 personas recomiendan a Digmer
Señor Digmer Santos has started his classes with my Russian-speaking child of 5 years old who has not have had any experience with the Spanish language at all. After only 3 months my child was able to express himself and successfully joined a local Peruvian kindergarten where he kept on improving his communication skills. Mr. Santos has spent over a year and a half giving tutorship to my child, that has made him a decent level of fluency in Spanish. We are grateful to Mr. Santos for his time and efforts.
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El profesor es genial. Muy inteligente. Tiene una buena conexión con el nino. Además de matemáticas, sabe enseñar otras clases, todo lo que necesitas en el colegio. Avanza rápido y con éxito. Gracias!
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Digmer responde:
Buenas tardes, El joven Alan de 8 años de edad es un excelente estudiante de español para extranjeros. Todo un reto para este jóven de padres de nacionalidad rusa y de infancia americana ( hoy un nativo hablante del inglés ) y con un inicio de aprendizaje del español. Felicitaciones para el joven Alan. Saludos cordiales ,
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