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Juan pablo
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Juan pablo
Localidad Cali
verified Datos verificados time 5 años dando clase
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My English classes are very dynamic , the theory is a very important fact, but I also teach in a vivencial way to make sure my students get prepared to face the real English world outside , I learned English just exactly as I teach and that made me realize that is a very good way to make my students get interested in the learning of a new language.
It is important to make the students get connect...
My English classes are very dynamic , the theory is a very important fact, but I also teach in a vivencial way to make sure my students get prepared to face the real English world outside , I learned English just exactly as I teach and that made me realize that is a very good way to make my students get interested in the learning of a new language.
It is important to make the students get connected with the language in their own way , working with topics they feel attracted for. In that way they can learn easier and faster.
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